Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Athlete of the Day: Idrienne Walker

Idrienne Walker is a freshman on the field hockey team and probably one of the strangest people you’ll ever meet. She likes to read, and write. Field Hockey is something that gets her through the day and something she always look forward to. "I’ve always loved to play field hockey and I don’t think that will ever change. Being a collegiate athlete is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but as well one of the best and I can’t wait to see what more this program has to offer."

The ability to play hard even when you don't feel like playing is definitely something you have to develop as you grow as a player. Idrienne would agree that will power issomething hard to have in difficult times. "I think will power is the most challenging part of field hockey. A lot of times we find ourselves “hating life” because of our practice schedule or because we don’t want to go to class or even because we aren’t playing, and from that, we fall back in to this irreversible cycle of laziness. Having the drive to succeed in all that you do is crucial to not only the sport but the life of an athlete as well." Idrienne continues to talk about how we as athletes can fall into lazy state and how having the will power to overcome that is crucial. "Sometimes we fall into the habit of being intellectually lazy but sooner rather than later you realize that this intellect is what you need to execute your physical skill. Your mind is what ultimately gets you through the season and when your mind is not right, then neither is your game."

As athletes we've all tried or even were successful in other sports. Idrienne talks about how she would run track of she still could. "I would love to compete in track. I ran track all through high school and did consider running in college. Track and field hockey were the two loves of my life and I do miss it a lot. The friendships I made and the opportunities I gained throughout my track season as a high school runner made me who I am today and I would have loved to experience on the collegiate level as well." That's what makes athletes so special because they can use skills from other sports that they have learned to be successful. 

I would like the thank Idrienne for finally getting this done with me, it was along time coming!

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